Millfields Charter: against abusive practice

Links Page

please see the Why? page for details on why we need a charter.

The issues about prone restraint are still in the news- Guardian newspaper article.

link Deadly restraint: a Hartford Courant investigative report. The most cited expose of restraint related deaths in the US.

link David "Rocky" Bennett report download here.

link Deaths associated with prone restraints.

link Factors Associated With Sudden Death of Individuals Requiring Restraint for Excited Delirium.

link BILD - Restraint Master Class - Birmingham 10/11 June 2003 The Debate on Prone Restraint David Leadbetter - Director CALM Training Services; June 2003.

link Is There a Therapeutic Value to Physical Restraint?  points to - Child Welfare League of America:

link Tell MP's about the charter. If you have signed the charter and have a little spare time please contact our MP's and make democracy work for us and the vulnerable people in care. If you want to help create public pressure then email our members of parliament at The more emails they get the more they have to listen about this important issue. You might wish to contact Patricia Hewitt or Rosie Winterton.

